Project Owner
West Virginia Division of Highways in Greenbrier County, District 9
Project Budget
Project value over $60,000
Greenbrier County, West Virginia
Canopy clearing over 6 linear miles
2 months on the job site
We completed an intense canopy clearing project for the West Virginia Division of Highways over a 2-month period. Our team worked on over 6 miles of land in Greenbrier County, WV.
For canopy clearing, we were tasked with trimming the vegetation ground-to-sky at the fog line of the roadside. The desired outcome was to allow significantly more direct sunlight to hit the roadway, allowing the winter salting to be more effective and cheaper.
We were able to provide a lean crew of local equipment operators to make sure the crew was as efficient as possible. Our team utilized a wheeled side trimmer and pick up trucks to bring this project to completion.
Waste Removal